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St Anne Line
Catholic Infant School & Nursery

Love Learn Pray


Curriculum Statement for English

At St Anne Line Catholic Infant School, we consider the teaching of English to be at the heart of the school curriculum.  We aim to help children develop  fluency, competence and enjoyment in the acquisition and application of the skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing.  We believe that these skills are vital for access to most other areas of learning, as well as to the development of a love of language itself.

We aim to provide a rich and stimulating environment where this learning can take place in an integrated way.  We promote the importance of the links between speaking, listening, reading and writing.


The English Curriculum in the Early years is taught through the Communication and Language prime area of learning using ‘In the moment Planning’ and "Drawing Club". The National Curriculum for English is used throughout Key Stage One




At St Anne Line Infant School it is our intent to provide children with a broad, balanced and challenging English curriculum. Children will embark on an exciting journey, with rich texts supported by drama and questioning skills that support and develop their speaking, listening, reading and writing. It is our intent that the children will become confident speakers who will enjoy initiating and engaging in discussions with others.


We actively encourage curiosity as one of our school’s core values and the asking of questions by the children to aid their own learning journey and understanding. We intend to equip children with the necessary skills required to become capable and confident readers, thus providing a love of reading and literature. We aim to immerse the children in a rich variety of texts which will inspire their imagination. Because of the rich choice of texts throughout school, it is our intent that children will develop an extensive vocabulary that will inspire them to write clearly and accurately for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences. By developing children’s reading and writing we aim to prepare them for lifelong learning.



We have a rigorous and well organised English curriculum that provides many purposeful opportunities for reading, comprehension, writing, speaking and listening and grammar. Pupils are immersed in a range of fiction and non-fiction texts and through engaging lessons that often involve drama we help the children better understand and retell the story or text they are engaging with. The children are equipped with the skills to write for a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.




At St Anne Line Infant School we use both formative and summative assessments to inform medium term and weekly planning. Assessments are also used at half termly Pupil Progress meetings. Target children are identified and interventions planned and implemented. Assessment data is submitted half termly and achievement and progress of groups of learners is analysed. Lesson observations, book scrutiny, learning walks and pupil/parent/staff voice are all used to monitor the teaching and learning of English across the school.


Pupil Outcomes

School Age Expected 2023               National Age Expected 2023

EYFS GLD     69%                                       65% (2022)

Y1 Phonics     85%                                       79%


Y2 Reading    76%                                       68%

Y2 Writing       65%                                      60%


School Higher Level 2023                 National Higher Level 2023

Y2 Reading    31%                                       18%

Y2 Writing      21%                                        8%






Equal Opportunities

Please refer to our Policy for Equal Opportunities and our policy for Race Equality and Cultural Diversity.




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