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St Anne Line
Catholic Infant School & Nursery

Love Learn Pray

Forest School

We are proud to be able to offer our children the opportunity to take part in forest school on the school site. Children are able to visit the wooded area where they are able to develop a vast range of skills and knowledge, beyond academic.


What are the benefits?

  • Increased self-esteem and confidence
  • Improved social skills and the ability to discuss and empathise with feelings
  • Development of language and communication
  • Improved physical motor skills
  • Increased knowledge and understanding (maths, science, engineering amongst others)
  • Increased motivation and concentration
  • Informed sense of respect and appreciation of the natural world
  • Develop an understanding of risk and safety
  • Apply skills of using tools and equipment use such as shelter building and knot tying.
  • It’s fun!


Forest school features a unique combination of approaches to learning where children will increasingly take the lead on activities they wish to pursue.


The visits happen in nearly all weathers, as this is part of the experience of being outdoors. In the event of extreme windy weather or if the site is not deemed safe then a more suitable time will be arranged for that session.


Supporting at home

Regularly visiting your local woodland or parks can really help your child.

Things to notice, discuss and do:

  • name the different plants and trees
  • notice changes in each of the 4 seasons;
    • how do humans adapt/change
    • how do animals adapt/change (hibernation, migration, change of behaviour eg nesting)
    • how do plants/trees adapt/change
    • how does the day length change , sunrise/sunset
    • how does the weather change - keep a diary, measure rainfall and temperature every month or so.
  • can you build a seesaw from fallen logs?
  • notice where moss grows on trees and how this relates to the compass north, south, east, west
  • look for woodland animals including smaller animals such as woodlouse and spiders in their microhabitats
  • collect fallen natural objects and create artwork.      
  • build a den from fallen logs
  • climb a tree