Speaking & Listening
Speaking and Listening
We want our pupils to:
- Speak fluently, confidently and clearly.
Adapt their talk for different audiences both in formal and informal contexts.
Follow and give simple and coherent instructions.
Be aware that spoken and written language is different
Become aware of structured speech, expression, intonation and sentence construction.
Respect and listen to other opinions
Become increasingly aware of when it is appropriate to use Standard English in whatever accent or dialect they speak.
Use speech to extend and support their thinking.
Use talk and collaboration in problem solving.
Ask questions when necessary.
Be aware of when to speak and when to listen.
Listen attentively and respond appropriately
Implementation strategies;
- Speaking and listening is central to all teaching
- Storytelling language through “Talk for Writing” is a focus in all year groups
- All children’s contributions are valued.
- Talk partners are used across the curriculum
- Children are encouraged to evaluate their learning and to share their ideas.
- High level vocabulary is overtly taught through role play and modelling in EYFS and through phonics sessions in KS1
- Circle time games and activities
- Role play corners and puppets.
- Story sacks and story boxes.
- Drama groups perform and interact with the children in workshops.
- Visits to the theatre to see performances
- Specialist visitors discuss their work or life – authors, fire-fighters, nurses etc.
- Adult volunteers share books with the children, discussing characters and valuing the children’s opinions
- Homework - parents are encouraged to discuss and work with their child.
- The EYFS programme and the National Curriculum for English provides for particular skills that must be taught in the infant years.
- Trips encourage talk and open ended questioning.
- Assemblies where children are encouraged to take part.
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